На Львівщині розпочалася підготовка військовослужбовців, призваних в рамках друг…

На Львівщині розпочалася підготовка військовослужбовців, призваних в рамках другого етапу четвертої хвилі мобілізації

The training center of the International Peacekeeping and Security Center of the Land Forces Academy hosts mobilized servicemen.
The servicemen undergo official procedures and have medical examination. They are appointed according to their professional military, individual skills and considering their desire.
They receive uniform: field uniform, warm coat, gloves, socks, balaclava, boots, backpack, etc. After that the servicemen are transported to camps.
Everybody will receive a salary. A lot of mobilized servicemen receive two salaries: as a mobilized serviceman and at his/her company.
The mobilized servicemen will be arriving during a week. The center is estimated to receive several hundred mobilized servicemen from the whole Ukraine. During a month they will undergo drills and then they will be sent to military units.

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