Одеська обласна державна адміністрація

Natalia Shyrba shared Одеська обласна державна адміністрація’s album — feeling inspired.

Odessa is often said to be the model for the new reformed Ukraine – what is being done here could be replicated throughout the country. It has a great leader in Saakashvili and a fantastic team of volunteers in ODA who have flocked to the city from all over the world. Now we can add to this magical combination 22 new heads of districts who will lead reforms, growth, and modernization locally.
These heads are a complete new type of government official. They are energetic, enthusiastic, focused, smart, and completely progressive. These are the people who will fight for the opportunity to pilot projects that open their budgets to the public or to implement new tools that will improve transparency and communication.
This weekend was the first time I sat back and thought ‘damn, this is the future of Ukraine’. The time is now. The place is Odessa.
#buildinganewukraine #theodessamodel #democratization


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